I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! It would be nice if Thanksgiving was every month, or even week because its nice having a day where we express our gratitude. I have definitely seen that I am happier when I list the things I am grateful for.
Last Thursday we ate at the home of Anziano and Sorella Clark. They are the senior couple of our Zone, and they made one of the best thanksgiving meals I think I have ever had!!
Anziano Bruggeman and I are really enjoying Mestre. This city is awesome! Its different from Bologna but the work is growing. We have a few great people we are teaching who have a great desire to be baptized.
San Marco in Venice |
It is getting pretty cold up here, but it doesn't stop us from standing outside at night trying to share with everyone #SiiunaLUCE (BE a Light) which is the new Christmas video. I could say its my favorite video that the church has made for the Holidays. Last Saturday night, a man named Giovanni loved our message so much he told us to come over to his house in Venice and talk more about the Book of Mormon. And every once in a while someone will stop and watch the video, and they always seem to love it.
Our Bigliettini (pass along cards) for Christmas! |
This weekend we had an exchange with the President's assistants who came here to Venice. Both of them were the last ones who served in this city so they showed us around and really helped out. They were also able to help us out with the "Meet the Mormons" showing we had on Friday night. 25 non members came and it was a HUGE success!!
My letters this time of year will sound a lot like last years because I LOVE Christmas time as a missionary. Its one of two times of the year the majority of people are somewhat focused on Jesus Christ. I am sad this is my last Christmas as a missionary, but that just makes me want to go all out and have that #Yolo attitude and talk to everyone.
I hope all of you at home remember that Christ shouldn't be celebrated just on the 25th of December but always, especially during these next few weeks. I love you all and miss you. Keep being great and don't forget who you are!
Anziano Hogan