Hey everyone!!
Me and cat motorcycling |
I had some cool experiences this week. It was busy and stressful at times, but I am never ungrateful or unhappy about what I am doing. I picture what I do as somewhat of a perfect life. We work full time, unpaid, helping other people and missionaries, and at the end of the day we teach people about Jesus Christ and how they can better their lives by following Him. Life becomes a lot less selfless after the mission. I love focusing on other people without having to focus too much on myself. Anziano Wilson are getting along super well and we love our missions.
Anziano Terralavoro from Napoli who stayed with us for a day. It was fun speaking Italian all day long. |
Our awesome friend Jofel and his family are still coming to church and he is definitely going to be baptized in a few weeks! They have been one of the biggest miracles of my mission for sure. We continue to teach Michel who is also growing a ton and changing his life for the better.
The Milano East Zone |
Recently, we have been teaching a guy named Ambrose. This week he told us about his experience of reading the Book of Mormon for the first time. He said he had to put it down because he felt something that he had never experienced before in his life. He said it scared him at first because he didn't know what it was. We asked him to describe it and he said it was like somebody was guiding him in his spirit. He also said that it made him feel so good it was like as if he were on drugs. That part was pretty funny, but honesty it was super cool to hear of someones experience like this. We told him that he felt the spirit because the things he was reading were true. We told him that one of the purposes of the spirit is to testify to us of truth and guide us.
Just being funny! |
We also met with an Italian man this week who had the most sincere desire to turn his life around. We talked all about change and how it was necessary in order for us to walk in the right direction. He was amazed to hear our message about Jesus Christ and how He makes it possible for us to completely change and turn over a new leaf. For people that have fallen to the lowest of lows, change can be brutally difficult, yet it is required for us to turn our lives around. The mission teaches me many things and it also reteaches and clears up things that I have already learned. It is so amazing to have all of these experiences in the most beautiful place in the world. I am grateful for what I do and who I represent. It is all true. Vi voglio bene.
Arancini! |