Ciao everyone!
The amazing trio! I'll miss these guys! |
This week was extremely busy and full of awesome experiences. Being in a trio with missionaries who love working hard has been a huge blessing for me. Sadly, Anziano Wright has reached the end of his mission so he'll be leaving tomorrow. Also, Anziano Da Ponte is being transferred out of Bologna so I'll be getting a new companion. I'll be serving with Anziano Vasquez who will be finished with his mission after this next transfer with me. I'm pretty lucky because he's a hard worker and we should be able to do lots of great work.
Empty bus selfie |
We like to put our heads in the freezer because it's so hot and humid all the time! This is Anziano Wright |
Best district ever. The Bologna district. Most of us are leaving this week though :( |
With this week being Anziano Wrights last week, we planned to reach 21 lessons! It was not an easy task and we had to work super hard to reach it but we got it! It was a miracle because by 4 o'clock on Sunday, we needed 4 more lessons and we were dead exhausted and we had nothing set up. We decided to go to a park, we said a prayer asking for strength and people to share the gospel with. After talking to what felt like the whole city of Bologna, we had reached our goal!
Big lunch we had after church! So much good Italian food!! |
Most amazing member ever. This is Fratello Palmeri |
The funeral for the missionaries going home this week. |
Cat pic of the week! This lady showed us pictures of this cat for a good 15 minutes. ha ha! |
Also, for the 3rd hour of church we were asked to teach the lesson to all the members in the ward which was a super cool opportunity. We were able to share with everyone the importance of missionary work which got everyone more motived to invite friends and come work with us. We have an investigator I think I mentioned last week, his name is Umberto. He is super interested in the gospel and so open to everything we teach. I am very excited to continue teaching him and see him progress!
I'm super lucky to be in Bologna with such great members, amazing food, and beauty everywhere. There is so much potential here in this city. My mission president said that if we work hard and grow the ward, a new stake would be created within the next few months. The work is never easy but good things always come when we work smart and hard. I'm so happy to be a missionary!
Love you all!!!
The towers of Bologna |
This is Santa Margherita park. aka "the garden of Eden" because miracle lessons happen here. |
Ci sentiamo!
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